3 Inverter Types That Would Save You Cost On Electricity Bills

hybrid inverter

Let's be sincere with ourselves, the thought of facing high electricity bills on a monthly could be dreadful especially with the increasing cost of tariffs every now and then and the implications that might follow suit if that obligation is not met. Considering the high demand for constant electricity in a world literarily driven by technological advancement it's only vital that we find workable means to reduce the ever-soaring tariff through alternative means notably inverters. The use of inverters has become one of the surest and smartest ways of enjoying stable electricity at a reduced cost with the ever-reliable renewable mode that would help save you thousands of bucks every month on utility bills, this article helps us take a close look at the three types of inverters that can help you reduce electricity tariff monthly and leave you boxed up for other expenses if you decide to install one today.

Let's read on!

3 Types Of Inverters That Would Save You Cost On Electricity Bills

When it comes to cost saving on electricity bills there are basically three types of inverters that can help you achieve all that, we are talking about the Offgrid Inverter, Ongrid Inverter, and Hybrid Inverter these devices are not only designed for continuous power output but also help save on electricity bills all of which is dependent on the mode of application. Let's take a close look at each of them.

hybrid inverter

1. Offgrid Inverter

Off-grid inverter as the name implies is designed to function primarily off the grid or your main source of electricity, an off-grid inverter is built to convert DC electricity from sources like battery banks and solar panels to AC output for your regular load and appliances, this way you can simply disconnect from the grid or utility source for as long as you have enough stored energy in your battery bank to run your inverter.

2. On-grid Inverter

On-grid inverters are designed quite differently from off-grid inverters and their mode of application is completely different, these inverters do not require battery banks to run and are directly connected to the grid source and solar panels. An on-grid inverter converts DC electricity coming from the solar panels and feeds back to the load as AC electricity for use on regular appliances, instead of storing energy in batteries like the off-grid inverters these on-grid inverters are connected to the grid or mains to feed back excess or unused energy, these excess energy fed back to the grid is now in turn measured and sent back to your utility meter as credit uint for usage thereby saving you cost on electricity, simply put you feed the grid with your unstored and unused excess energy and get it back in return as credit unit, isn't that amazing?

3. String  and Micro Inverters

Hybrid inverters are the next in our discussion, these inverters are mostly common in the US, North America, and most parts of Asia, these inverters are a combination of Solar energy conversion and battery storage, the hybrid inverter is designed to be able to run with either your PV source, stored energy from your batteries or from the grid source making it a very efficient source for saving electricity bills on a monthly basis. However you wish, the hybrid inverter can be configured to run on PV or battery-first mode cutting off utility supply as an alternative.


Getting an inverter that would save you on utility bills monthly is very paramount but however, but what's even more important is getting the right inverter that matches your specifications, needs, and requirements within your location. Grid tie or Ongrid inverters are more specific to locations like the US, Canada, and most parts of Europe due to the existing structure while the hybrid would be a lot more ideal for Asia and Africa.

Our Specialty: Solar and inverter system design, installation, and maintenance, call or chat 09014789126 for consultations

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