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solar charge controller |
When it comes to solar and inverter systems design and installation there a thin line between errors and perfection, this ie what distiguishes an expert in the field and someone who is still learning the ropes, becaue its a capital intensive project to embark on however you might choose to look at it there should be little margin for errors so as not to incure additional expense that might increase the cost of the overall project.
In this article we will tthrow more light on how to correctly uninstall or install a solar charge controller withouth damaging this device on multiple occasions during the course of project design and installations I have experienced first hand how sheer ignorance and miscalculations have led to the loss of charge controllers worth several hunderds of thousands, which has given me more reason to come up with this aricle to better inform solatricians and DIY's on the best possible to unintall or install a charge controller without possible damage be it mppt or pwn.
Lets us delve into the step by step guide on how to correctly unistall or installl a solar charge controller without damaging it so read on
How To Unistall A Solar Charge Controller Correctly (PWM/MPPT)
Unistalling a solar charge controller might seem sinple to the eye but if done worngly by missing the step could prove very costly and dmage the device in contrast to the we will take the steps to follow one at a time.
1. Disconnecting The Solar Panel Cables
The first step to unistalling a solar charge controller is by disconnecting the solar panel cables,often more than not people especially the DIY's tend to do the opposite which will be detremental to the controller, firstly disconnecting the solar panels cables prevents a power surge that would occcur and damage the controller if the battery cables are disconnected first. this is because the battery acts as balancer absorbing the excess spike in current coming from the solar panels and as such if removed before hand would cause a leathal damage to the controller.
2. Disconnecting The Battery Cables From The Battery Itself
The second step here is disconnecting the battery cables from the battery itself, doing this would prevent any form voltage spike or bridged wires that might lead to short curcuit, given the fact that the battery strores energy in excess its only ideal to disconnect hti from the charge controller to furhter prevent any hazards.
3. Disconnectting The Battery Cab/;le From The Controller Itself
This should be the final jig in the puzzle as regards properly unistalling a charge controller, having disconnected the solar paneles from the controller,and the batter terminals from the battery,the next step would be disconnecting the battery cables going into the chrage controller since there no souce of power connected to the controller any longer. At this point the controler can now be dismanteled from its hold for further inspection or replacement, it is assumed that the controller has been properly unstalled without any fear of damage.
Haven looked at how to correctly unistall a chager controller, lets also explore how to correctly install a charge controller with the following steps
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pwm solar charge controller |
1. Connecting The Battery Cables To The Charge Controller
The first step to properly connecting a solar chatrge controller is to connect the battery cabeles to the charge controller, by doing this you are ensuring that theres no spike in voltage or current eitther from thwe battery or solar modules that could posse any form of danger to the charge controller before usage. So doing this should be the firsr step in the sequence.
2. Connecting Battery Cables To Batttery Terminals
The second step in the sequence is connecting the battery cables to the battery terminals, doing this will not only power up thw charge controller itself but also ensure that certain parameter are properly set up before thet final step and subsequent usage, after doing this you can now go ahead to set up the charge controller acccoding to how you want it to functon, parameters such sas voltge, current, battery cut off voltage shoud all be visible at this point.
3. Connecting Solar Panel Cables To Charge Controller
This is the final and most important step in our charge controller installation series, connecting the solar panels to the charge controller at this spoint not only brings the conrtroller to life and ready for use but also forestalls any impending damage that would have been if the connection was done incorrectly. At this point the charge controller is able to accsess energy harvested by the solar panels for unward usage.Doing this corretly without any missed step would go a long way in ensuring that your charge contreoller remains protected.
The importance of a charge controller to a solarr and inverter system cannot be over emnphasised, it can make or mar the overall performance of any system, thetrefore having it in good standing aat all times would prolong the life of any given system.
For your solar system design, installation and maintenance feel free to reach us on 09014789126, we are also open to consultations as well, I hope this little piece helped, Would be wiling to answer the questions.